13 de febr. 2013


Era molt xicotet quan, resbuscant en la falsa de la meua avia, vaig trobar els singles que s'havia comprat el meu pare quan era adolescent. Entre ells estava They Can't Take Away Our Music, single que va gravar Eric Burdon amb la banda crossover War que fusionava meravellosament tots els estils de música negra del moment (principis dels setanta).

Junts, com a Eric Burdon & War, crec que només van gravar dos àlbums: Eric Burdon Declares "War" de l'any 1970 i The Black-Man's Burdon de l'any 1971. La cançó referida pertany al segon en el que també versionaven Paint it Black dels Rolling Stones i Nights in White Satin dels Moody Blues. Pura sofisticació soul. Això crec jo al menys. No sé si condicionat pel moment o per la qualitat real del disc doble (format en el que es va editar). També cal dir que la psicodèlia està més que present. Beautiful New Born Child és una prova més que evident. M'encanta quan comencen els chorus gospel animant el ritme lisèrgic d'aquesta cançó.

El cas és que la cançó que tanca aquest segon disc, They Can't Take Away Our Music, es va convertir en el meu crit de guerra adolescent. I tot plegat gràcies al single trobat en la falsa d'aquella casa a la que ja mai podré tornar a rebuscar. En aquell moment, quan les coses venien mal donades, pensava: això mai ho podran fer, mai ens podran prendre la música. Això ja seria massa. Fos qui fos. I és que la música sempre estarà fora del seu abast perquè la guarde en un lloc molt sagrat. 

Després d'un bon grapat d'anys, des de que vaig oficialitzar el meu propi himne desesperat, ho seguisc pensant igual: MAI ENS PODRAN PRENDRE LA NOSTRA MÚSICA!!!! I no sé si servirà de res, però em fa sentir molt, però que molt bé, cantar: THEY CAN'T TAKE AWAY OUR MUSIC!!!!.

 There's a feeling shared today
By the people whose freedom
Has been taken away

And as in the past
When times were wrong
The common folks
Come together in song

How will we win
With what will we fight
We hope with this song
Our world we will unite

Oh, there's one thing that I'm sure
It's so proud and it's so pure
And it comes from deep within
It's got no hair, it's got no skin

As we travel far and near
We bring the world for you to hear
And the message that we bring
Is alive in the word we sing

And no matter how it make you feel
We got something they can't steal

No, they can't, no, they can't
No, they can't take away our music
No, they can't, no, they can't
No, they can't take away our music

In the ghetto, it gets cold
But we've got something
To warm our souls
Like the blanket of our fate
Keeps us covered when we shake

Though they take our brother's live
And deny his given right
Yes, the message will be heard
As the four winds spread the word

And our spirit, they can't break
Cause we got power to communicate, yeah

No, they can't, no, they can't
No, they can't take away our music
No, they can't, no, they can't
Say they can't take away our music

Lord, no, they can't, no, they can't
Hey, they can't take our music
Music, music, sing it for me
Sing it for me, sing it with me

(They can take away our lives)
Come on, come on
(But they can't take our music)
Music is yours and music is mine
Is mine, is mine, is mine

(They can take away our lives)
There was a lady one day
I bet you don't know her name
(But they can't take our music)
Do you remember Billie Holliday
Billie Holliday sang the blues

(They can take away our lives)
She may be dead but she's alive today
(But they can't take our music)
Do you remember Charlie Parker
Sing the blues, sing the blues
Sing the blues

(They can take away our lives)
Jimi Hendrix, Sammy Cooke
Elmore James play the blues
For you, they played
It's all for you, yeah
(But they can't take our music)

Music is yours, it's mine
It's yours, sing it now
(They can take away our lives)
It made me laugh and it made me cry
(But they can't take our music)
Crying, crying, little baby Janis
Cried for you, yeah

(They can take away our lives)
Remember Jimi Hendrix too, Lord
(But they can't take our music)
Sam Cooke now put his message in
My book, my book, it's your book
It's everybody's book

(They can take away our lives)
Music is fine, music is all right
(But they can't take our music)
All right with me, yeah

Come on, come on
Sing it for me, sing it for me
(They can take away our lives)
Sing it for me, sing it just
Everybody, come on
(But they can't take our music)

Get up on your feet now and
Stomp your feet, clap your hands
(They can take away our lives)
Sing it to your man, sing it to your woman
Sing it to your baby, sing it to the sky
(But they can't take our music)

Sing it to the air, sing it to the ground
Sing it to the Earth, my, my, my, my
Come on (they can take away our lives)
They can't take it away
They can't take it away
(But they can't take our music)
  I en directe sona així:  

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