Si algun dia em faig gran, m'agradaria que fóra seguint els mateixos
camins cap a la maduresa que Sam Beam va començar a recórrer a principis
del segle vint-i-u. Iron and Wine, el seu alter ego musical, és
pura fantasia. I si sóc capaç de treure tots els prejudicis al voltant
de la joiosa paraula, no trobe millor manera de definir cada disc, cada
cançó i cada vers d'aquesta benedicció musical.
Després de Sheperd's Dog (2007), Iron and Wine començà a sembrar els seus camps de folk
amb noves llavors de jazz i pop. Aleshores, va mostrar que la seua obra
té una exagerada vocació fertilitzadora. No cal fer ús del guaret, car
té la tècnica per evitar les males collites sense parar de cultivar els
camps. En l'era del mimetisme, aquest artista és capaç de fer, com si no
passarà res, un viratge -que en la majoria dels casos resultaria
suïcida- cap a una nova dimensió musical, que no deixa de ser resultat
d'una profunda sensibilitat envers els més de cent anys de tradició de
música afroamericana.
Si Kiss Each Other Clean (2011) va suposar un poal d'aigua fresca en un calorós i interminable estiu folk, Ghost on Ghost
és la celebració, l'alegria, la serenitat, la redempció... És tantes
coses que és essencialment suggeridor. En tot cas, no deixe de pensar en
el folk. I a la vegada, pense en el blues, en el jazz, en el gospel, en el soul i en el pop.
Aleshores, em vénen al cap Terry Callier i Bill Withers. Però, de
sobte, pense en Chet Baker i Bill Evans; i un Van Morrison en pau també
transite per eixe lloc màgic. I totes eixes ànimes són les que posen
música als meus moments de major gratitud, reflexió i pau amb mi
No sabria triar una cançó en particular. I a pesar d'això, si he de donar forma a la divagació precedent, no em queda més remei que reproduir eixe "gospel-jazz" -marca Iron and Wine- que és Lover's Revolution:
I came to you, and you to me.
And we were tapping on the window at the children when the piggy bank broke.
And we were tapping on the window at the children when the piggy bank broke.
And pitching quite a fit,
About how the makers of the medicine will always say you’re looking sick.
About how the makers of the medicine will always say you’re looking sick.
I came to you, and you to me.
And we would whimper to the women washing milk off of their formal white clothes.
But the funny thing,
Was how when god was in his people we were dreaming about who else to be.
And all the fingers that we damaged when all we wanted was the diamond ring.
And we would whimper to the women washing milk off of their formal white clothes.
But the funny thing,
Was how when god was in his people we were dreaming about who else to be.
And all the fingers that we damaged when all we wanted was the diamond ring.
I came to you, and you to me.
And we were barking at the drug dogs blood dried black on their hands,
And never realized.
You never tussle with a giant til you can hit him right between the eyes.
And that no matter how we chewed it we’d be choking on a comprise.
Cause all the jaws, all the claws, getting restless by the riverside.
And it wasn’t muscle in the shadow that was shoving us into the light.
And we were barking at the drug dogs blood dried black on their hands,
And never realized.
You never tussle with a giant til you can hit him right between the eyes.
And that no matter how we chewed it we’d be choking on a comprise.
Cause all the jaws, all the claws, getting restless by the riverside.
And it wasn’t muscle in the shadow that was shoving us into the light.
I came to you, and you to me.
And we were snatching at a war baby’s bottle just to trade it for change.
But now it’s come to pass.
That every eye beneath the mountain saw the smoke but no one heard the blast.
And no one knew the arm was broken although everybody signed the cast.
And until the government was good, she said “Man, I thought you’d never ask”.
That when love wore out her welcome they just booked her for a bag of grass.
That while she cried on the cross we were sucking on the laughing gas.
And when the head had left the body, not a flag was hanging half-mast.
And we were snatching at a war baby’s bottle just to trade it for change.
But now it’s come to pass.
That every eye beneath the mountain saw the smoke but no one heard the blast.
And no one knew the arm was broken although everybody signed the cast.
And until the government was good, she said “Man, I thought you’d never ask”.
That when love wore out her welcome they just booked her for a bag of grass.
That while she cried on the cross we were sucking on the laughing gas.
And when the head had left the body, not a flag was hanging half-mast.
I came to you, and you to me.
And then we lost our old lovers’ revolution but it started again.
Now we’re one.
And then we lost our old lovers’ revolution but it started again.
Now we’re one.
One of the parade wake widows walking home into the setting sun.
One of the soldiers lost in the dreams that never lose the gun.
One of the wise men wandering the podium without a tongue.
One of the trophies tarnished by the mess we made of being young.
One of the prayers one of the promises swallowed without chewing gum.
One of the deaf ears dumber all the time for all the years of drums.
One of the wide-eyed soap boxes buried under Washington.
One of the beat cops combing every sidewalk crack for love.
One of the crowded stars uncounted when the map was done.
One of the withered in the garden left to wonder when the rain will come.
One of the soldiers lost in the dreams that never lose the gun.
One of the wise men wandering the podium without a tongue.
One of the trophies tarnished by the mess we made of being young.
One of the prayers one of the promises swallowed without chewing gum.
One of the deaf ears dumber all the time for all the years of drums.
One of the wide-eyed soap boxes buried under Washington.
One of the beat cops combing every sidewalk crack for love.
One of the crowded stars uncounted when the map was done.
One of the withered in the garden left to wonder when the rain will come.
Excel·lent article. Mai han arribat a enganxar-me Iron & Wine, però amb el teu article i aquesta estupenda mostra que has posat li dedicaré més temps. Abraçada.
ResponEliminaMoltes gràcies Johnny. El que comentes crec que ens passa sovint a tots. A vegades és qüestió de temps i/o d'èpoques personals; i d'altres, simplement que hi ha música no ens complau com esparàvem. A mi Iron & Wine m'agrada molt la seua veu i la textura càlida de les melodies em dóna pau i això, de tant en tant, va bé. En fi, la seua música crec que transmet una malenconia i un optimisme a parts iguals que m'encanta. Per cert, té un ep compartit amb Calexico que és una delicatessen:;; etc